It began so simply, without warning!
That evening, one after each other, we were talking about our respective day.
The world, our world, was being redone. Life was vibrating all around us. Sometimes I just stopped to contemplate it.
It was fast, it was loud. A sudden urge to capture these instants and turn them into moments.
To freeze the passing time, document life, here and now…
That was two years ago, in February 2015.
One month later, Today/CapeTown was done.The idea of Today-Project is itself simple: One city – One day – 24 photos.
During 24 hours, I devote myself to the rhythm and movement of a city, carefully chosen.
Throughout my encounters, I follow my intuition, pursue life and capture what it offers me.
Of this adventure, I select 24 photos – one per hour – and I share it through a dedicated exhibition.
We lived in a world of pictures: it is said that one single picture is more powerful than thousand of words.
Where one single picture can reach millions of viewers, in a second, and be easily integrated. It is one of the best tools to communicate, testify, question, celebrate…
We are more connected than ever but yet, we feel lonelier than ever before.
Today-project aim is to rebuild that connection through visual arts.
It starts during the of 24 hours shooting: a truly human and physical adventure when I embrace my authenticity to connect with my surroundings.Then It gets to another level with the diffusion of this experience. By showing the daily life and dynamic of one place, Today-Project offer the power to perceive humanity as One.
Through similarity, Through difference. With compassion but no judgment!Of course, as viewers of images, we use our own personal background and story to interpret them.
We use our prejudices, our preconceptions of the world, and interpret those same images based on our personal biases and views.
How can we make emotional images that connect with our viewers, if photography is so subjective?
The solution: to shoot with heart.We are all sharing the same planet, we are all evolving with the same time.
Today-project is here to remind us that we all share the same roots.
Website: Today-Project
Instagram: _todayproject_
Interview: Pixopolitan