PERSONAL WORK Inspired by Intuition
Project | Kosha
Kosha is a platform of information on the fashion conscious to return to the origin of the garment and to understand its sacred meaning. Like a second skin, clothes represent the envelope we choose. Real medium of expression and sometimes even of claim, the relation that one has with our wardrobe can say a lot
Project | Today-Project
It began so simply, without warning! That evening, one after each other, we were talking about our respective day. The world, our world, was being redone. Life was vibrating all around us. Sometimes I just stopped to contemplate it. It was fast, it was loud. A sudden urge to capture these instants and turn them
Project | Ubuntu, We are all one
“Ubuntu is a philosophy that considers the success of the group above that of the individual.” — Stephen Lundin The word “Ubuntu” originates from one of the Bantu dialects of Africa and is pronounced as uu-Boon-too. It is a traditional African philosophy that offers us an understanding of ourselves in relation to the world. According to Ubuntu, there exists a common